I've really been struggling lately. For us, the adjustment to our Colorado mission has been fine, but my concern for our program in the Philippines continues to grow. We have several children without sponsors and we seem to accumulate costs through illnesses and emergencies constantly.
It's a constant struggle for missionaries like us to raise money for ministry needs. To us, the pictures you see online are real people that we desperately love. There is only so much we can do without your help and support.
I'm not worried about the lack of resources. I know God has blessed our entire country with wealth beyond measure. What concerns me is how those resources are used. Everyday we are short of sponsors, these kids don't eat.
If we do not feed them, love them, care for them, and minister to them, who will?
These sweet, smiling faces have stories. Stories that not many of us can comprehend. Desperate stories that stem from deep poverty. Stories of young girls forced into prostitution, beatings, starvation, wounds that won't heal. Girls that have been stabbed or their parents attempted to drown them. Adults that never finished third grade. Mothers who lost little ones to easily preventable or treatable illnesses. And that is just the beginning!
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Jo: Before and after treatment in our care. Jo came to us weighing 9LBS at over a year old. He left over a month later weighing 18LBS - parasite and illness free! PRAISE GOD!! |
We have babies brought to us dying. Children passing fresh blood multiple times a day because their little bodies were shutting down. They come to our program with parasites, UTI's, boils, malnutrition, pneumonia, lice, scabies, burns, bruises, and anything else you can think of. We want to help them all!
God is SO good. He is using us to minister to these babies; to these families. We can't continue unless the body of Christ begins to reach out to these people. Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Christ adores these people, the least of the least, the uneducated, the unwanted, the unloved by society. He loves them fiercely. Please love them with us! Pray for them! Get to know them, their hopes and dreams - probably not so different from your own. Come on trips with us! Donate $5.00 when you can - it literally would cover a hospital bill and could save a life.
Contact me if you have questions, have an interest in an upcoming trip or would like to sponsor a child or project. You can email me at sehodgie@gmail.com or shoot me a call or text at (email or Facebook message me for my number) I would LOVE to chat with you!
Of course, you can always go to www.worldfamilymissions.com and check us out. All donations are tax deductible and because f a corporate sponsor who covers PayPal fees, 100% of your donation goes straight to where you want it!