If you want to skip the “boring” part of what God has been teaching me and scroll down to the quick updates, that’s fine. ;) I won’t tell!
I was writing letters to each of the girls that have slowly begun taking hold of my heart, and I was filled with sadness. I am leaving again, and once again I am leaving a large chunk of my heart.
If you want to skip the “boring” part of what God has been teaching me and scroll down to the quick updates, that’s fine. ;) I won’t tell!
I was writing letters to each of the girls that have slowly begun taking hold of my heart, and I was filled with sadness. I am leaving again, and once again I am leaving a large chunk of my heart.
For the past 1 and a half years it seems I never stay in a
single place for longer than 8ish months. I LOVE the life of traveling, but
sometimes, the yearning to have a home to return too is there. I have slowly
come to realize that home for me, is felt in many of the relationships I have
developed, and once again, I am leaving “home”.
Around 5 days after I turned 18, I flew to the Philippines
after packing up 18 years of my life into 6 boxes, and I traveled with 1 and a half
suitcases. After staying about 5 months in Bacolod, I “moved” again to Manila,
after a month there, I packed up again and flew back to America. After a few
months “home”, I moved out AGAIN and moved in with friends after packing a
backpack full of things. Fast forward to August and Michael and I moved in with
a dear friend that was willing to put us up for a couple of months. After we
had settled in, October 19th came along, and off we were again. This
time to Navotas, Philippines. We have now been in the Philippines for 5 months,
and guess what? We are leaving in 20 days. The plan? Pack a suitcase
(Essentially all of our worldly possessions at this point) (Hopefully one, we
don’t want to pay ridiculous amounts in baggage fees and would honestly fly
with just backpacks if we could), and fly back to the states for 5 months.
Tops. Lord willing, and RETURN back to the Philippines. Who knows for how long?
(We’re still looking at many, many more countries to travel, explore, and
share Christ with. Go figure.)
My wonderful, amazing, husband continually tells me, “just
pack the basics, and when we get there we will get whatever we need to furnish the house.” I know. Trust me, I know. It would seem I have been living out of a
suitcase FOREVER at this point! The realization is dawning on me that once our
child is born and we head back to the Philippines, it will have been a complete
2 years of traveling for me. Crazy, right!?
The meaning of one of the names God showed us for our
baby (WE’RE KEEPING IT A SECRET!) is "God is my Nation". That really resonated
with me; at this point I feel like a fish out of water no matter where I am. I
am a half Americana that lives in the Philippines and is lost when it comes to
language and culture. I am a half Filipina that lives in America that is lost
when it comes to culture (not as much when it comes to language depending on
the day ;) ). I do not belong to a Nation or a Country. Neither will my child,
as he/she will be an American living in foreign countries. (I laugh when I
think of the shock my child is in for. He/she is going to be born wondering
where all of the familiar voices and Filipino accents are. Everyone is
constantly talking to him/her and rubbing my belly!) I had read articles of
missionaries returning “home” and not fitting in, never realizing that would be
me too. God is gracious in teaching
me, molding me, inspiring me and giving me so much HOPE!
understand that the universe was formed at Gods command, what is seen was NOT
made by things that were seen.
offered a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a
was taken from this life, yet never experienced death. He was commended as one
who PLEASED God.
built the ark in holy fear to save his family. By faith he CONDEMNED the world,
and he became heir of the RIGHTEOUSNESS that comes through faith.
BY FAITH Abraham,
when called to a place, OBEYED and WENT, even though he did NOT know where he
was going. He lived as a stranger in a foreign country. For he was looking forward
to a city where God was the architect and builder.
BY FAITH Abraham,
even though he was past age-and Sarah herself was barren-became a father.
Because he was considered FAITHFUL.
All of these people
were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things
promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. They admitted
that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show
that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of
the country that they left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead
they were longing for a better country-a heavenly one. Therefore, God was NOT
ashamed to be called their God! He has prepared a city for them. –Hebrews 11:3-16
By faith I will move when God tells me to move, and by faith
I will continually seek his will and yearn to become a citizen of His heavenly
country. Let this encourage you as you realize that YOU ARE a stranger in this
world! An alien to your country and a foreigner to your people. I have been so
inspired by this today… God gently reminding me of who I am and lifting my
spirits! We are praying for you friends, as you also seek His will in your
Quick updates:
- Our visas went through! We now are “missionaries” rather than tourists and legally have a full year of residency here!
- Thursday we went to MFH (My Fathers House orphanage) and spent an evening enjoying the kids! I have missed those faces so much! They are as precious as always.
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Photo credits go to My Father House, Manila, Philippines. |
- Tagalog lessons are still continued twice weekly. We have an AMAZING teacher and we are learning so much!
Michael is becoming more and more Filipino and
is now the proud owner of a barong. Also, he will be singing in Tagalog this Sunday.He finds it hard being so handsome here and continually complains about his “pogi problems”.
(Pogi = handsome)
(Pogi = handsome)